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Happy National Nurses Week!

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Nurses are the backbone of care at Gillette Children’s. For 125 years this hospital has served as a pioneer in caring for children with complex brain, bone and movement conditions. Technology and innovation have allowed Gillette Children’s physicians and care teams to unlock so many medical mysteries, but one thing has remained the same – the unique dedication and impact of nurses at Gillette.  

Nurses are known for making sure their patients have medications and bandages, but it’s the intangible work that sets Gillette nurses apart.  

“We love our patient population.” - Kelsey Koppy, RN 

“To be able to develop some of the relationships with some of our families is really cool. We get to know these kids, develop these lines of trust and have more open communication with families. It’s something I don’t think you’ll get anywhere else,” said Kelsey Koppy, RN. 

When Koppy decided she would be a NICU nurse at the age of 20, she says she never imagined she’d be a pediatric nurse in Gillette Children’s neuroscience department, but she would not change a thing now. Koppy loves Gillette kids so much that she volunteers to work on holidays

“Being a nurse means that I get an opportunity to change the world.” - Tammy Sinkfield-Morey, DNP 

Tammy Sinkfield-Morey, DNP was the first Black nurse hired at Gillette 25 years ago. Now as a nurse supervisor, she is at the forefront of Gillette Children’s health equity initiatives. 

“Being a nurse means I can be a portal for a lot of good things in the world,” Sinkfield-Morey said. 

Sinkfield-Morey says she initially decided to become an RN to pass on the compassion a nurse named Joy showed her as her husband succumbed to cancer. Sinkfield-Morey has done so much more than that. She’s been a pillar of strength for mothers in despair, a cheerleader as patients reach their possible and a pillar of strength for staff through the creation and curation of impactful workshops that explain why respecting a person’s race, gender and socio-economic background are imperative to excellent health care. 

“In my heart I believe we all understand the need to be our best selves and to be an inclusive environment,” Sinkfield-Morey said. “I get these opportunities to make a difference in how everybody is treated, and when I go down, I hope that I’ll have an unburdened heart that will know that if my kid’s kids need to come to Gillette for care, they’re going to get equitable and fair and loving treatment. And that every other child of color that may not have gotten it before will now get it in the future,” Sinkfield-Morey added. 

The past two years of the pandemic have been difficult for us all, especially nurses. Nurses at Gillette Children’s picked up extra shifts and went above and beyond to help our patient families navigate the world of the pandemic. We are thankful for their sacrifices, their dedication and all they do for Gillette Children’s, patients and their families.